Earlier this morning, Pebble introduced their new watch dubbed the “Pebble Time” on Kickstarter. It’s a smartwatch with a color e-paper display that promises up to seven days of battery life and features a new timeline interface, highlighting the most important parts of your day. Even though we’re not even 12 hours into the crowdfunding campaign, calling the watch a success is an understatement. It started out trying to reach a measly $500,000 goal, and has sense surpassed $7,000,000 in total funding from more than 33,000 backers.
Since the Pebble Time has seen so much success in only one day, the Pebble team has decided to increase the number of units it will ship in the $179 pricing tier to 30,000 units. So, if you had no luck trying to buy a Pebble for the discounted price earlier today, you have another chance! Additionally, Pebble says that a new reward tier will be added with a June shipping date after the current tier fills up.
There are only around 10,000 units left to claim under the $179 tier, but you should still hurry if you want to score a Pebble Time for a nice discount before it runs out! So are any of you interested in the Pebble Time? Why or why not?
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