Yesterday we reported on the first alleged image of Motorola’s “Shamu” phablet, in which the handset was spotted next to the LG G3. Now we have another pic, this time focusing on the front of the phone and giving us a look at the “About Phone” page. While it isn’t too easy to make out the phone in this image, an adjusted version with the levels turned up shows that the device has the same shape as yesterday’s Moto leak and also has the “M” logo on the front.
Turning to the details on the about phone page, Shamu appears to be running an AOSP build of Android L, and it is apparently running a Google-made kernel as well ( Since the kernel is directly from Google, this at least indicates that Mountain View may be directly involved with this handset, even if we still can’t say with any certainty whether or not Shamu will be released as a member of the Nexus family
What do you think, like the idea or a 5.9-inch Nexus or not? If Shamu really is a Nexus device, do you think Google will release a smaller version as well, or at least keep the Nexus 5 around to sell alongside this monster?
The post Yet another alleged image of Shamu, this time shows off ‘about phone’ page appeared first on Android Top News.